Divine Mother and Divine Father
Let my mind vanish within your fathomless mind,
My heart melt into your infinite heart.
Guide me ever onward
To the sacred summit,
Where stars in silent ecstasy,
pirrouette to please you.
In this journey, let my soul bear witness
to your divine wisdom, power, and love---
So that even as I tread among the thorns,
I am grateful for each crossing.
For within that dream of your dreams,
returned along the secret, feminine valleys,
my naked soul through love alone is re-clothed anew.
So that you may patiently teach me to become—
as you have constructed me.
A spark rejoicing in an eternal flame,
A harmonious note in your symphony of being
This timeless chorus rising up
through the percussion of a mortal heart.
Telling me
The Seeker and the Sought
Are One